Sunday, December 2, 2012

Fighting Against Racism

Every 100,000 people, 1369 males and 895 females die from racism. In one anecdote I read, there were a black friend and a white friend. They were best friends. However, when they were playing football with others, the black friend and the white friend made a perfect tackle. But that got one of the opponent in rage and started to beat up the black friend. But surprisingly, the opponent didn’t beat up the white friend. That is one example of racism. Because of racism, many victims commit suicide, victims get excluded from a ‘proper’ quality place, and victims start to kill people

With more people starting to create crimes that are related to racism, the more victims start to commit suicide. But, you may wonder racism has ended in the past already because many notables fought for them. However, racism didn’t end. In fact, it won’t end in the future. It is a constant cause that will keep on happen in the future. That’s why victims of racism are starting to commit suicide. Perhaps while you are reading this, another committed suicide. As more and more people die, 62 million people have died in the past 100 years because of racism (Quote). This is 1/100th of the world population now. 1/100th might be very low but the world population now is about 7 billion. You can’t name the specific reasons of racism of why those 62 million commit suicide. It can be due to people calling you names, starting to beat you up, making fun of you. However, in my point of view, the victims shouldn’t commit suicide. You should have a stronger mind and try to ignore. One big major reason people commit suicide is because they don’t want to live anymore. They will think that if they die, everything will be over. “If you die you’re completely happy and your soul somewhere lives on. I’m not afraid of dying. Total peace after death, becoming someone else is the best hope I’ve got.” - Kurt Cobain. The quote shows that when you die, you will be in a safer place. From there, you can be another person. However, not all people die because they want to become a better person. A lot of people die just because they don’t want to live. They don’t need another life. There were many people committing suicide in the past 100 years. But the major reason people committed suicide is because of racism. However, there are many major reasons of racism. One of them is racial exclusion.

Racism is still happening, and the most common situation that happens is being excluded from a certain place. In Martin Luther King Jr.’s childhood, he got sent of a shoes-shop when his dad and him were going to buy shoes. “We do not serve colored in front of the store.” In Martin Luther King Jr.’s childhood, he got sent of a shoes-shop when his dad and him were going to buy shoes. “We do not serve colored in front of the store.” Martin was only a child when he suffered from racism. After that incident, instead of committing suicide like other people, he instead became strong and protested for racism between the Whites and the Black when he got a little bit older. One major racial exclusion is happening in this world now is because some of them don’t have cross race friends.  Therefore, their racism will be worse as they don’t make any cross race friends. In a survey a group of people took, they found out that people with cross race friends thought that it is not OK to exclude people from what they are doing. However, people with no-cross race friends thought it was OK to exclude from what they are doing. (Abc News) Martin Luther King Jr. tried to stop the people in the survey who said yes to racial exclusion. People who said yes to racial exclusion should try to make cross race friends so that we can prevent racial exclusion. Martin Luther King Jr. didn’t want the future of America to be a racist country like he suffered. So, we would have to make cross race friends. But, many people are trying to take revenge over racism.

Another big main factor is when racism happens, the victim wants to take revenge. Then, violence is involved. When people interview some black people, some of them don’t put the interview in their story just because of the fact that they are black. This made the blacks mad and bring violence. “Many interviewers when they come talk to me, think they’re being progressive by not mentioning in their stories any longer that I’m black. I tell them, ‘Don’t stop now. If I shot somebody you’d mention it.’”- Colin Powell. By the quote Colin Powell said, we can see that Colin Powell couldn’t stop his temper and said he would use violence. Same for other victims of racism. They will do anything to kill/injure the attacker as revenge. Some people think to get freedom; the best way is to get rid of it in your mind. To get rid of your mind, you will have to get rid of who or what is in your mind. That is when violence starts to come in. Here is another quote of Thomas Jefferson who gave another racism quote about depression. “A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercise, I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercises to the body, it gives boldness enterprise and independence to the mind.”- Thomas Jefferson. What Thomas Jefferson advises you to do is if you have a problem, he advises guns. If it feels like your blocked mine won’t be open back because of someone, you go get rid of that person. Revenge might be the answer for some people but it isn’t. If people revenge, their father will take revenge back. Then, this will be constant.

In this world, more and more people are committing suicide, people being excluded from many events, and more and more people are getting killed because of racism. We shouldn’t have people like Martin Luther King Jr. every 50 years who are brave enough to stop racism. We all can be a person like Martin Luther King Jr.. So what will YOU do to stop racism like Martin Luther King Jr. without violence?

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Survival

About 143 million children in the world have lost either their mother or father. About 13 million of them lost both their mother and father (UNICEF). In the Democratic Republic of  Congo, many civil wars are going over the country. Because of that many people have to flee from the country. Baruani Ndume is one of the thousands children who had to flee from the country. While fleeing, like the 13 million people, he lost both his mother and father. By being one of the 13 million people, he decided to help other refugee children by creating a radio station. Baruani knew that losing family is a miserable event to happen, and that reuniting families would make one happy. He also knew that refugee children needed support to create hope that their situation could be improved.

Baruani knew that losing their family is a very miserable thing to happen. So, Baruani is trying to help other children reunite with their family by creating a radio station. Not only he saw how other people’s living were hard .But by experiencing the pain himself, he decided to help others. “He lost his parents and ended up in the Nyarugusu refugee camp.”(Child Peace Prize) He ran away during a war, and now his left along without his parents. That was the pain he got. So, he didn’t want others to get the same feeling with the others. So, he reunited other children with their family. Therefore, many people in the world are thanking Baruani for helping them finding the children/parents. In the other hand, he can’t just go travel around the country and find their family. Baruani thought what would make the words spread around in a short time. That was a radio program. “He has succeeded in setting up a radio program in which he talks about problems and challenges with his peer refugee.” (Child Peace Prize) Therefore, being a kid and losing his own family, he still pretended being an adult and being strong so that he can make family reunite. The program was even successful! It was spread over 3 countries

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With the help of Baruani, the children in the refugee gained hope. Since other children found their parents, those children who are willing to find their children would have the confidence to share their worries and fears to the radio. “Thanks to this, so many children have now been reunited with their families.” Since other children knew that other refugees who were reunited got the help of Baruani, the other refugee who aren’t reunited yet got the confidence to tell their story about what happened to them. Therefore, children who haven’t been rescued have to go to Baruani in order to find their parents. With this, many children will be reunited. We also need parents so that they can give us education. All the school fees are provided by the parents no matter where you are. Parents send the money to the guardian to pay for the school fee. “In certain refugee camps there are still children who are denied their right to education.” If parents were here to help their children, they would do anything for us to get education. That’s what most parents do. They do whatever they need for their children to get an education and at least get a living in the futre.

Like Baruani, we should all try to reunite their family. At least try to. Don’t just sit there and listen to Baruani speak. Do something! Since Baruani is here in the world, 145 million children without their parents will be lower. 13 million of the world’s population doesn’t have their parents.  All children should have their rights to reunite with their parents to have a better future because if they don’t have any parents to support him, the children won’t have a better future.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Where I'm From

I’m from a country,
I’m from a country that has 4 seasons,
I’m from when bicycles were best to play
Always playing with friends in the apartment

I’m from my grandparents’,
Where foods there was nice,
Especially Tail Bone Soup,
Where there is a cross as I walk in the house,

I’m from kindergarten,
Where candies were given often,
I’m from where suppers were eaten often,

I’m from where Jesus used to live,
I’m from where where bibles live,
I’m from where singing were there for Jesus,
I’m from where praying for Jesus,

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

They Won't Have Any Options If They Are a Victim

When he/she is a victim, there are no options because there will definitely be a guard to see if they are running away or not. For example, when Nazis soldiers are attacking Jewish shops, there will be tons of police to see what is happening. Since there are "tons" of police, at least one of them would spot if someone is running away. Many Jewish would attempt to run away from Kristallnacht. For example, in the handout, there was a girl who's father was arrested. In the beginning, it said two guards watching the front house. So, they won't have any options. They have to stay at home quietly while the soldiers are destroying the house/shop.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


The picture in there shows a Jewish man with a Communist symbol. You can see the Communist symbol between his arm and his body. It has the Communist mark. He is voting for the Communist since the Nazis are being mean to the Jews. This was an advertisement along the Jews. They also agreed to this man because the Jews hate Nazis. This message might be sending to the Communist please help us. His hand is in front asking for help. His knife represents cruelty. To interpret this, it means, Communists, please help us from this cruelty. In my opinion, this shows a positive message because what is so bad about sending a help message to people. This will also effect all those people who are living as a Jew because all of Jew wants to be free from the Nazis. But he is holding money. This might be the Jewish man offering money for help.