Tuesday, February 21, 2012

They Won't Have Any Options If They Are a Victim

When he/she is a victim, there are no options because there will definitely be a guard to see if they are running away or not. For example, when Nazis soldiers are attacking Jewish shops, there will be tons of police to see what is happening. Since there are "tons" of police, at least one of them would spot if someone is running away. Many Jewish would attempt to run away from Kristallnacht. For example, in the handout, there was a girl who's father was arrested. In the beginning, it said two guards watching the front house. So, they won't have any options. They have to stay at home quietly while the soldiers are destroying the house/shop.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


The picture in there shows a Jewish man with a Communist symbol. You can see the Communist symbol between his arm and his body. It has the Communist mark. He is voting for the Communist since the Nazis are being mean to the Jews. This was an advertisement along the Jews. They also agreed to this man because the Jews hate Nazis. This message might be sending to the Communist please help us. His hand is in front asking for help. His knife represents cruelty. To interpret this, it means, Communists, please help us from this cruelty. In my opinion, this shows a positive message because what is so bad about sending a help message to people. This will also effect all those people who are living as a Jew because all of Jew wants to be free from the Nazis. But he is holding money. This might be the Jewish man offering money for help.