Sunday, March 31, 2013

Making the Invisible, Visible: The First Step

There are currently many people who are suffering from human rights issue. Human trafficking is one big major that affects 161 countries out of 196 countries. There are about 27 million of people who are trafficked for forced labor, organs to sell, and sexual abuse etc. It is very easy to be trafficked but the probability of being rescued is only about 1~2%. This is the same as modern slavery and slaver is illegal today. However, the most shocking fact is that the price of a slave is only 90USD. It is cheaper than back when slaver was illegal.

This is a very important for me and the community because anyone can be the victim of human trafficking. Friends, family member, me. Anyone. Anyone, no matter if you are in a bad condition of living, you still have right to have the human rights. By being trafficked, your freedom is gone. Freedom is included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Additionally, human trafficking isn't just affected by the trafficked person but it effects the family, friends and etc. In one personal story, a person had been trafficked and had finally escaped. However, her sister was kept as a hostage and had been killed. If I change point of view to the trafficked person, every people who were close to me would be worried by the fact that I was trafficked.  It will give a huge impact to my parents as no parent in the world would like to lose their child.

During the research, I have found out that every 30 seconds, one person is being trafficked. That means as you read this, probably 2 people had been already trafficked. This is a very surprising event because while you are doing something, I grantee that while you are laughing, someone in the world is being sad. One surprising fact is that human trafficking is the 3rd biggest crime money making after drug-selling, and weapon-selling. All 3 of them are a billion dollar industry which would make many people traffick people. Another surprising fact I found was that 46% of the trafficked person knew their trafficker and 54% had no clue who their trafficker was. This is very surprising because I thought that people who didn't know their trafficker would be way higher.

By learning about this issue, I have raised my awareness of human trafficking. One mistake will lead me to human trafficking. By that, I mean if you walk around in an unsecured area alone, high chance that I will be trafficked because since the place is unsecured, it could be a target place for many traffickers in that area. At the same time, I feel lucky to meet such good parents because transportation are affordable in our environment. I'm not saying that if you don't have a car, you will be trafficked. But asking my mom to pick me up to places with our car, is much more safer than using public transport. For example, if you are riding a taxi, you can't control the driver because he is driving. He could lead off to any quiet place. Therefore, I should both raise awareness and be lucky to live in such environment.