Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Introducing Myself

Happy New Year! This is now 2011. What does people usually do when it is 2011? They say wishes. I have wishes too! I'm going to share it in this blogpost.

My 2 resolutions and goals are going to church every week and get my grades up. For the first reason of going to church every week, I usually do not go to church every week when I'm supposed to. I usually get disturbed by food, games and playing. I think I should go to church everyday from now on so that I will get good luck from my God. For my second resolutions, I want to get my grades up. Usually I don't try my best for assignments so that's why I get bad grades. But I am doing my best for this blogpost and I hope I'll get a good grade so that I can get my grades up. The second reason is that, if my mom say I get all A's for my grade, she will buy me an iPhone. I wanted an iPhone so badly that I almost sing around about iPhone.

One talent I am good at is playing soccer. People told me I'm really bad at midfields and strikers because my stamina is very poor. Because of that, I started playing goalkeeper. One of my friends was good at midfield but also good at goalkeeper. Then, he started to teach me how to play goalkeeper. As he was teaching me about 3 years ago, now I'm quite good. My friend taught me how to dive and catch the ball. Because of my friend, in the soccer tournament which happened in about October 2010, I only got one goal scored out of 5 games. But with bad luck, I got to the B team. Now, I hope I will go to the Phuket team which gets to travel to Phuket and play soccer.

So, These are the things that I dream for and talents. I like to play soccer and would like to be a goalkeeper when I grow up but my parents disagree with the idea. At first, I thought my parents were saying no because I was bad at goalkeeper. But then, as time went, I had a chance to show me parents how good I am. I played really well and my mom said I did very good. But then, I suddenly realized that my parent disagrees because of me. They are worried about my face appearence because you have to play in the sun. I'm still getting a dream of playing goalkeeper in the future and I will never give up.

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