Monday, November 21, 2011

Learning Profile Blog Entry

I learn best when I am focusing better on the details. Since I am an auditory and a visual learner, I can get information better using my eyes or my ears. So in order to learn better, I should get photos or sounds about the topics that I learn. I also have to use technology to get myself in a good mood of learning. If I use pencil and paper, my hands would start to hurt and waste time doing some massages for my hand.

I need to be planned for the next class. I also have to get my writings structure. I have to positive and be enjoyable in order to improve my learning. I can't have any distractions when I'm studying. One day, I couldn't concentrate on one thing, so I ended up doing all my homework until 12 o'clock. I did the following when I was doing my homework: After one question, I go my computer and play games; After another question, I go to Facebook and start chatting with my friends.

The strategies that would help me in my learning is to listen to music while I'm doing my homework. Since I'm the auditory learner, I can concentrate better with relaxing music. If there isn't any music, I would fall asleep because homeworks are boring. So, in order to make myself woken up, I need some entertainment from the music. The other strategy that could make my learning better is to get all my essay planned before I start writing.

Something that I want to let my teachers know is that I don't really like listening for too much. Even though I'm an auditory learner, I think too much is too much. My ears get hurt and I start thinking of other things automatically. So, I can't concentrate if there's too much talking from the teacher.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Meaning of My Name

My name, Jung Hun(김정훈 written in Korean), has some useful meaning. Jung came from generation. For example, My grandfather’s name is Kim Jin Du and my grandfather’s brother’s name is Kim Jin Chool. Notice that there are all Jin’s in their names. My father’s name is Kim Gun Ho. My uncle’s name is Kim Sung Ho. For that generation, they used the name Ho. In my generation, we use Jung. I don’t have a brother so, my cousin’s name is Jung Bin. Then, Hun was created by my grandparents. Hun means useful to the country. My grandparents put a Hun in my name because they wanted to make me a diplomat. (I don’t really like the choice)

I had a nickname called Edwin. I copied that name from one of my favorite Manchester United goalkeepers (now retired) called Edwin Van Der Sar. It was in 4th grade when I had the name. I told all my friends to call me Edwin because I felt that was a great name. At 5th grade, almost everyone started to call me Edwin. But I found out that it was very weird to use that name because it’s kind of funny to copy an unusual name. So, now, when people call me Edwin I won’t really like it that much.

I like my name because I want to be something useful to the country. I want to be famous in the future and tell people about South Korea. I don’t really have a dream yet, but my only dream is to tell people how amazing and cool South Korea is.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

End of the Road

The piece of work that I'm most proud of was my 1st survival tic tac toe. This is because we paired up with 3 people including me. Then, we started to pick 3 projects to do. After that, we divided our parts of what we're going to do. But if we need any help, we helped the project that the guy who needs help. My best learning in class is to work in partners. It's because we could finish work faster, and help each other when we need help.

My greatest challenge was the Malaysia Week during the year. This was a challenge because you're leaving in wild. These days, I got addicted to computer games. During Malaysia Week, you'll have no computer games, TVs (Some sites has TVs), no movies, etc. But I found that other than all those computer games, TV, movies there are still more fun things to do in the world. These days, I started to reduce my gaming time.

As a learner, I learned that books aren't that boring. Long time ago, I rarely read books. But as I came to ISKL, they made us read a lot. Everytime I read books, I start to yawn, get sleepy. But as I got older, books are actually quite fun. Then, at the beginning at the 6th grade, I didn't even want to see long books. But in the end, I tend to read longer books than usual.

My organization in class is satisfactory. I always bring my planner, binder (if needed), pencil case, etc. to class. Sometimes, I forget to bring it because I leave my homework at my house and in the end, I will forget to bring my folder and homework.

Goal number 1 for grade 7: My first goal is to try to get all A's for class. It would be harder than 6th grade but I will have to put more effort in my projects and homework.
Goal number 2 for grade 7: My second goal for grade 7 is to listen to the teachers without getting distracted. To do this, I have to improve on my concentrating.

I would like the teachers to know I look sleepy but I'm not that sleepy. (Sometimes I am) People say hey I think you should get a sleep to me. But I wasn't that sleepy. They reason I think I look sleepy is because my eyes are small. For some reason, my eyes are very small and somtimes people teases me!

My favorite activity in humanities was survival tic tac toe. We spent a lot of time recording, writing, typing. It took us approximately 1 month to finish our projects. But it was worth it because I got a satisfied grade for our final grade for our tic tac toe project.

Advice that I would pass on the the Class of 2018 (The following 6th grade) is to tell them to do their homework and projects well. In 5th grade, we didn't have to do projects and homeworks well because it won't be graded. But in middle school, projects, and homework. If you did your homework, GOOD!! because that will be graded too. So, you have to put effort in every single projects and homeworks.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Lit. Circle Blog 1

We have been reading a book called "The White Mountain." After we've finished reading, to see that we have actually read the book, we did this activity called Literature Circle. This was to improve our reading and to see if we read the book. I think this really helped us. Then, our teacher gave us a topic so that we could write a blogpost. The topic was How is Will just like you? And I will answer these.

Firstly, Will is a guy who likes to travel around. But then, while traveling in the White Mountain, he was caught by the Tripods. This is like me because I like to travel. During the traveling, he makes things complicated. At spring break, I made big mistakes at Phuket. When we were on the beach, I went too far and almost got swished by the ocean. That made our traveling harder.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Books, Books

I am telling you about this book called Diary of a Wimpy Kid The Ugly Truth.

This book made me think about how the main character does and how the author formats the outline of the book.

This book challenged me as a reader by underestanding the cheese touch. The cheese touch is when the guy who touches the cheese or gets touched with the cheese gets the cheese touch. They can prevent the guy who gets the cheese touch by crossing their fingeres.

Don't read this book if you hate reading diaries because this is the diary of the main character called Greg.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Literature Circles 4 Blog

The quote describes theme and freedom. In which way? It describes that only if you get Capped, you will be treated as adults. This describes as freedom because if you are 35 years old and haven't been Capped yet, the people will treat them as kids. So, being Capped means freedom in the future. But I think this should be over because in Korea, every men has to go to the army. If not they still have to go in the future. But the thing is, I really don't want to go to the army.

The other reason is that this relates to freedom by getting free from the Tripods. I think, when you get Capped, the Tripods will recognize you. But if the Tripods say they didn't get Capped, they have to be capped. So, being Capped at the first will give you more freedom. Even though if you never got Capped for the rest of the life. But you will be treated as a little kid so you have to hide yourself when you're going somewhere outside. If not, you could get Capped or perhaps die from the Tripods for not going to get Capped for the life.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Literature Circle No.3 (Chapter 6 The Castle of the Red Tower)

1. How were the Tripods able to control the people?
Answer: The Tripods were able to control all the people by capping one by one and the Tripods were very strong because they have many Tripods so the humans can't do anything about it. So, then the Tripods were like the king or rulers or Earth.

2. Find evidence (quotations from the novel) to show that even though Will is comfortable living
at the castle, he is frustrated that the Comte, Comtesse, and Eloise have been capped.
Answer: "more and more I had come to see the capped as lacking what seemed to me the essence of humanity, the vital spark of defiance against the rulers of the world. And I had despised them for it-despised even, for all their kindness to me and their goodness, the Comte and Comtesse." This shows that they are capped by the Tripods.

3. Find evidence (quotes) to show how Will feels about being capped.
Answer: "Will is against being capped and feels that capped persons are slaves to the tripods." Will feels that he is going to be a slave of Tripods. As showed in the book, all the people who have been capped by the Tripods shall be their servants.

Literature Circle No.3 (Chapter 6 The Castle of the Red Tower)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Pharaoh iMovie Reflection

I and Shivank were partner. As we were working on our project, we first when to Google. Then, we typed in King Tutankhamun facts for kids. Then, we pressed the first one. There were some good facts. We put it in our fact writer.

As we gathered our whole facts, we put the scripts. We thought the script was very long and thought that we will do very good.

Then, we went to iMovie. We put pictures first because you have to drag media to record it. As we recorded our voices, it was only 1:20 seconds. The teacher actually said that your iMovie has to be for about 3 minutes to 4 minutes. Then, we had to film about tutankhamun. It was about Shivank (Tutankhamun) being the king and lastly Shivank (Tutankhamun) getting assassinated by me (Murderer). Then it became roughly about 3 minutes. As we finished, we were saved.

My link is:

Monday, January 24, 2011

City Connection Reflection

I did well on my historical factors. At first, I had trouble on my homework especially on historical factors. So, I went to my academy which helps on homework, English and math and got some help. But our math teacher didn't know what historical factor was too. He was thinking but suddenly he told me what it is about. He told me to go to the Seoul's official website and find some information about historical factors.

I would improve my project by doing the project on that day our teacher gave us. Usually, i play on the day the teacher gave us the project and I do my project on the last day we have to do. Like now, I'm doing this in the library and today's the last day. Then, that's the time I get sleepy the next day and I happen to rush the project. After I finish, I should double check my work. When I happen to do my project on the night, I get sleepy and I am too lazy to double check my work.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Learning Profile

I learn best when I use technology. I love technology. If I use pencil and paper, it would hurt my had and it will give me many spelling mistakes. But for technology, my hands are comfortable to just type and the computer will just check the spelling mistakes.

I need no distractions when I'm studying. I get distracted really well. Even if it is a small thing. One day when I got a PSP, I just thought of my PSP. I couldn't concentrate on my class well. When Manchester United plays soccer, and if I couldn't watch the game because it's too late, I go on the school computer and see the results. For the PSP, I can change it by bringing the PSP everywhere I go so that I can see my PSP and I won't get distracted. For soccer, I can change it by just looking at the results in the morning.

The strategies that would help me in my learning is to listen to music while studying. One of my new year resolution was to just concentrate in one thing. But, when I try it, it makes me bored and sleepy without entertainment. So, when I am doing my homework, I need some entertainment so that I can get good grades. So, sometimes if my mom tells me not to listen to music, I get annoyed a lot because music is my favorite entertain in everywhere. But then I just stop because it feels like she will take the speaker away. So, I asked my mom to buy me a laptop but she says now is not the time to own a laptop.

I would like my teacher to know that I don't care about sleeping. Even if it is school days, I just watch things that I like on the television. For example I really like this team called Manchester United in soccer and when it's their game, I just quickly do my homework and go on the sofa and watch the whole game. Sometimes I may get bored of it and sleep but I really don't care about sleeping. The other thing that I want to let my teacher is that when I usually wake up in the morning, it feels like something is in my eyes. So, I take out the things in my eyes. But, after about 1 period it gets back to normal. Many teachers asked me whether if I am sleepy when I am actually not sleepy.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Introducing Myself

Happy New Year! This is now 2011. What does people usually do when it is 2011? They say wishes. I have wishes too! I'm going to share it in this blogpost.

My 2 resolutions and goals are going to church every week and get my grades up. For the first reason of going to church every week, I usually do not go to church every week when I'm supposed to. I usually get disturbed by food, games and playing. I think I should go to church everyday from now on so that I will get good luck from my God. For my second resolutions, I want to get my grades up. Usually I don't try my best for assignments so that's why I get bad grades. But I am doing my best for this blogpost and I hope I'll get a good grade so that I can get my grades up. The second reason is that, if my mom say I get all A's for my grade, she will buy me an iPhone. I wanted an iPhone so badly that I almost sing around about iPhone.

One talent I am good at is playing soccer. People told me I'm really bad at midfields and strikers because my stamina is very poor. Because of that, I started playing goalkeeper. One of my friends was good at midfield but also good at goalkeeper. Then, he started to teach me how to play goalkeeper. As he was teaching me about 3 years ago, now I'm quite good. My friend taught me how to dive and catch the ball. Because of my friend, in the soccer tournament which happened in about October 2010, I only got one goal scored out of 5 games. But with bad luck, I got to the B team. Now, I hope I will go to the Phuket team which gets to travel to Phuket and play soccer.

So, These are the things that I dream for and talents. I like to play soccer and would like to be a goalkeeper when I grow up but my parents disagree with the idea. At first, I thought my parents were saying no because I was bad at goalkeeper. But then, as time went, I had a chance to show me parents how good I am. I played really well and my mom said I did very good. But then, I suddenly realized that my parent disagrees because of me. They are worried about my face appearence because you have to play in the sun. I'm still getting a dream of playing goalkeeper in the future and I will never give up.